Take advantage of secrets to store ASP.Net Core Kestrel certificates in Docker Swarm


When working with ASP.Net Core in Docker containers, it can be cumbersome to deal with certificates. While there is a documentation about setting certificate for dev environment, there’s no real guidance on how to make it work when deploying containers in a Swarm for example.
In this article we are going to see how to take advantage of Docker secrets to store ASP.Net Core Kestrel certificates in the context of Docker Swarm.

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Deploying Sonarqube on Azure WebApp for Containers


Sonarqube is a tool for developers to track quality of a project. It provides a dashboard to view issues on a code base and integrates nicely with VSTS for analyzing pull-requests, a good way to always improve the quality on our apps.
Deploying, running and maintaining Sonarqube can however be a little troublesome. Usually, it’s done inside a VM that needs to be maintained, secured, etc. Even in Azure, a VM needs maintenance.

What if we could use the power of other cloud services to host our Sonarqube. The database could easily go inside a SQL Azure. But what about hosting the app ? Hosting in a container offering (ACS/AKS) can be a little complicated to handle (and deploying a full Kubernetes cluster for just Sonarqube is a little bit too extreme). Azure Container Instance (ACI) is quite expensive for running a container in a permanent way.

Therefore, it leaves us with WebApp for Containers, which allows us to run a container inside the context of App Service for Linux, the main interest is that everything is managed : from running and updating the host to certificate management and custom domains.
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